Monday, December 5, 2011


Hubs point to Authority. Hubs value is calculated by the sum of all the Authorities points they're pointed at, 
and Authority's value is calculated by the sum of the hubs' points that are pointing at them.

In page rank / auth and hub power Iteration is the fastest way of calculating primary eigen vectors
 and the rate of convergence depends on the eigen gap.

Nikhil Pratap


The challenge with data integration is that, the data is spread over different sources with different schema and lot of time is consumed cleaning, migrating these data and integrating into one unit.

-- Dinu John


Information integration is the process of combining data from difference source and giving one view of the entire data in a federated manner.

-- Dinu John


Extraction pattern can be specified as path from the root of the DOM tree using Xquery or we can write regular expression to extract particular portion of the web page.

-- Dinu John


The process of extracting data from webpages is referred as screen scraping.

-- Dinu John


Extractors for a semi-structure web site are referred as wrappers. These wrappers are custom wrappers and have to be modified if the structure of web page changes.

-- Dinu John


HTML structure of the web pages belonging to a web site is specific and regular. They all follow a specific pattern and have a template.

-- Dinu John


In Parametric learning the size of the learn representation is separately described and is not promotional to the training data. 
E.x: Linear Classifiers.

Non parametric learners keep entire training data around.
E.x: K-NN

Problem with K-NN is that it doesn't do well in high-dimensions.

Nikhil Pratap


Relevant Feedback always rewrites the query such that the rewritten query
will always have high precision and recall.

Nikhil Pratap
Graduate student
Department of Computer Science
(Arizona State University)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


In the Content-Based Recommending, recommendations are based on information

on the content of items rather than on other user's opinions.


We can recommend to users with unique tastes.

We will be able to recommend new and unpopular items.

Nikhil Pratap


The Collaborative filtering follow the following steps:

Weight all users with respect to similarity with the active user.

Select a subset of the users (neighbors) to use as predictors.

Normalize the ratings and compute a prediction from a weighted combination of the selected neighbors ratings.

Present items with highest predicted ratings as recommendations.

Nikhil Pratap


words selected in feature selections should be the highest correlated to the class AND least correlated from each other.



In non-parametric learners, we have to look at all of the training data vs in parametric learner, we just have to remember a learned representation invarious of the training data size.



When training data is small, the prior should have an effect but after consedering large amount of training data, sticking with prior is irrational. 



Finding K nearest neighbors is same as retreiving K closest documents.



Since classes may not form spheres like clusters, distance based methods do not prove to be as useful.



While Using vector similarity as distance measure, the average pairwise distance is cosine(centroids) of the clusters.



multidimentional vectors are likely to be orthogonal. The distance in this case is 0. To avoid this, the clustering should be done AFTER performing LSI and reducing the dimentions. 



K means tries to find sperical clusters even the original data is not spread in that fashion.



Increasing the purity of clusters by increasing the number of clusters does not work as one can put each element in its own cluster.



Information Integration is combining information gathered from multiple places that might have multiple different schema. Sabre is a database used by all airlines except Southwest in where all flight information is put, so other websites such as Kayak and Expedia retrieve and display to consumers information about multiple airlines at the same time.

Ivan Zhou

Fwd: 11/22/2011

A extraction mode could do things such as segmentation,
classification, clustering, and association.

Nikhil Pratap


A extraction mode could do things such as segmentation,
classification, clustering, and association.


Various models of II:
Search (minimal collation/integration)
Mediator (acts like a broker)
Warehouse (holds lots of data but inadvisable
when data is rapidly changing)



Maximum Likelihood, Most likely state sequence, Observation Likelihood are three important aspects of HMM model in Information Extraction.



PMI is used for assessing the accuracy of the facts based on the HITS.

Avinash Bhashyam


An interesting aspect to ponder upon in Information Extraction is web pages are not random but in fact are written by humans there by enabling the possibility to understand the structure and content.



Information extraction from web doesn't require full NLP because there is significant regularity on the web.So some structure can be found from template driven pages and wrappers can extract information using structure.


Avinash Bhashyam


In supervised learning the links are explicitly given as the probability is smoothened and thus all links would have a non zero probability of occurrence.

Srijith Ravikumar


Competitive ratio, is the ratio of performance of an online algorithm to the offline algorithm.

--Shaunak Shah


RDF standard can be used to write base facts in XML.

--Shaunak Shah

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Schema mapping is integration between the attributes specifies relation between attributes; This can be written in OWL



Boolean satisfyability is known as empty complete-- because given a set of boolean constraints its hard to get variable which satisfies these conditions.
In general 1 sat is east to solve, 2 sat is polynomial and 3 sat is empty complete.


Friday, December 2, 2011


A major issue with data integration is that many different people make different database schemas to store the same data(ie across web, businesses etc..). Sometimes the schemas map one to one to each other, but more often they map in a non-trivial manner and may not even store all the same information.

-James Cotter


When evaluating the most likely state
sequence note:
The most likely label of a single word
may be different from its label in
the most likely sequence.
